CCSS in Excel–complete standards


My friend Anthony created a blog post the other day saying he was looking for the CCSS in Excel format instead of PDF format. He did all the work to create the file he needed, which made me feel a little bit bad.

You see, I have had exactly what he needed for the last 6 months, easily. I too, prefer to search and work in Excel. It is just an easier and faster platform to search and copy/paste from.

So, with that in mind, here are my files.


The main difference between my file and Anthony’s is the way the standard are presented. Anthony’s files are all in one tab, so searching / filtering for a complete strand is easier, while mine are broken up into different tabs for each grade level. Depends on what you need.  I have also indicated STEM standards with a “+”.

The one thing I have not done is changed all the standards to include the Cluster designation. That is something I need to do still. Besides that, the formatting is slightly different, but they are the same. I just felt bad he had to do all that work when I had what he needed all along.

I wonder how much other stuff is on my hard drive that other people can use?

6 thoughts on “CCSS in Excel–complete standards”

  1. Thank you! I was 1/1000th of the way through my own spreadsheet and thought “I can’t be the first one to do this…”. Thanks for putting in the grind!

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